Monday, August 18, 2014

My Six Words

Do what you think you can’t
Everyday there’s at least one time when I believe I can’t do something. Oftentimes it’s because I don’t want to put in the extra effort or I give up too easily or the challenge seems extremely difficult; whatever the reason, I quit because I think I can’t. I don’t really quit per say, I just take a break, regroup, and then turn my can’ts into cans. If I do only the things I think I can, I would be nowhere near where I am today. I believe that impossible isn’t fact, it’s just an opinion and it’s up to you to find a way to make is possible. By striving for the impossible, you can achieve your goals. Even if you fail, you can still learn from your mistakes and try again. But just don’t not try, because then you have given up before you have even started.


  1. I really like the six words you chose, the paragraph explaining it is very deep and touching.

  2. These six words are perfect for an athlete. It gets you in that minder that no one can beat you. This is perfect, good job.
