Thursday, August 21, 2014

Birth Order Traits

What the Research Says
Evidence Showing Accuracy or Inaccuracy

No matter what I do, it always has to be the best I can or else it’s not good. I take a longer time on every assignment because it HAS to be perfect. Of course there are times when whatever I’m doing isn't perfect, and those times are usually because I didn't have enough time to create a masterpiece.
Strong-willed & aggressive rather than willing to please & compliant
I am strong-willed and I don’t do things just to please others. If I strongly believe in something, I will fight for it rather than just give in, letting the other person win (I am also very competitive). For example, if I’m in a group for math and I know I have the answer I will do whatever I can to prove its right.
Holds grudges
I have to strongly disagree with this trait. There are times when I get in huge brawls with my younger sister but I can never stay mad at her. It’s not just with her though. I’m like this with family and friends as well. I just tend forgive and forget because I realize that whatever we were arguing about, doesn’t matter.

Because I am a perfectionist, I have to be precise. Everything needs to be what I envision in my mind; this goes for some things but not all. So when I get instructions, I like knowing exactly when it is due and what we have to do. Otherwise I worry that I am doing it wrong.
I am a very reliable person in all aspects of my life. If I am in a group project at school, I will always do my part. When I am playing soccer, I do whatever I can to help my teammates. I don’t ever want to be that person who lets others down.
Makes lists
I am an extremely forgetful person. I have so many things on my mind that I never remember all of them. Because of my forgetfulness I make lists of every important task that I need to accomplish. Whether it’s in my phone, in an agenda, or on a scratch piece of paper, I have to write it down or else I will forget!

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