Sunday, January 25, 2015

Opinion Article

Happiness Doesn't Have a Price             

            Almost everyone aspires to become rich in their lifetime because they believe money equates to happiness. People believe that with money you can attain a perfect life and no worries in the world. However, I believe that acquiring money doesn’t guarantee you happiness. Money can’t buy you real love, your health or cure mental illness. True happiness does not have a price tag.
            Money can definitely relieve the stress of working and finding a way to pay your bills, but it also brings on new stresses and less joy. Have you ever noticed that many wealthy individuals have issues? A multitude of celebrities have alcohol and drug addictions because they’re unhappy. Lindsay Lohan and Amanda Bynes are both unstable, former actresses. They went off the deep end in the middle of their supposedly perfect lives. They have more money than they need but still rely on drugs to supply their happiness and relieve them of any stress rather than finding happiness elsewhere.
            Some people who have lost all hope of finding happiness commit suicide even though they may be wealthy. Robin Williams, for example, was found dead in his house after hanging himself. Williams was battling depression, anxiety and the early stages of Parkinson’s disease. He and others who committed suicide must have believed there was no possible light in the dark tunnel they thought was their life. Money couldn’t help them there.
            Although wealth may bring joy here and there, in the end it’s just you. Happiness stems out of friends, family, and good memories. Money can buy materialistic things which can be fun for a while but serve as short-term happiness. The things you can’t buy, friendship, health, and love are priceless for a reason. Everyone can have a fair chance at finding happiness despite how much money they have. Happiness is something you must attain on your own without money because money will never be able to buy you authentic happiness.

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