Friday, November 7, 2014

Antigone Quick-Write

            My two brothers have killed each other, fighting over the throne. The king, also my uncle, has declared himself king and forbids the burial of my beloved brother yet buries my brother whom I hate as a national hero. My sister is too scared of my uncle to help me give the proper burial my brother deserves; however, I still plan on burying my brother even if that means doing it alone.
            I will go in the dead of night to the place where my brother lay at the city dump. Despite the fact it’s dark, I know I’m still at risk of getting caught which would lead to a confrontation by my uncle and this would surely result in my execution. But that’s a risk I willing to take. My brother wasn’t in the wrong during the fight he and my other brother had. If anything the roles should be swapped! He was so kind to everyone and had so much integrity. So when I heard my brothers killed each other, I knew he wasn’t at fault. My other brother must have had bad intentions as king so he tried stopping him thus resulting in a huge brawl. My uncle was very similar to my evil brother which why he was buried and my virtuous brother was not. But this is out of my control and the best thing I can do is give my brother the burial he deserves.
            The hours preceding nightfall, I will tell my sister that I have decided not to go against the king’s word. By lying to her, I’m doing her a favor because now she won’t have any participation in my actions and won’t get punished. Once night falls, I will walk to the dump because driving might call too much attention to myself from the noise. Also, I will bring a shovel with me. But prior to burying him, I will move his body to a different site so no one will unbury him once they find out he has been buried. I’m not going to be able to carry him too far because I can’t carry him for that long. Once I find a good location, I will begin the digging process, place him in the makeshift grave, and fill it back up. Before I leave I will say a small prayer.
            My possible execution doesn’t scare me much. I don’t care if I am killed for what I am going to do. I won’t be guilty of not giving my brother a burial; in fact, I am going to be proud of my actions and take full responsibility if I get caught. I did the right thing and that’s all that matters.

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